订货电话;18511816835 微信号18511816835
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木质藤本植物,茎初时直立,后攀援。叶羽片部分长1-2.5m,顶端延伸为具爪状刺的纤鞭,叶轴下部的上面密生直刺;叶轴背面沿中央具单生的和2-5个合生的刺而在顶端的纤鞭则具半轮生的爪,叶柄背面具稀疏的刺,上面具密集的常常是合生的短直刺;叶鞘具囊状凸起,被许多细长、扁平、成轮状排列的长约2.5cm的刺,大刺之间着生许多较小的针状刺;羽片多,等距排列,两面绿色,线状剑形,先端极渐尖,具刚毛,30-45cm×1.3-1.8cm,具3(5)条肋脉,上面及背面中肋具刚毛,边缘具细密的纤毛。雌雄异株,花序直立,开花前为佛焰苞包着,呈纺锤形,并具短喙,长约25-30cm,外面的佛焰苞舟状,具直刺;雄花序上的小穗轴密集,雄花长圆状卵形,长5mm;雌花序的小穗轴长2-4cm,明显之字形曲折,每侧有4-7朵花。果实椭圆形核果,长 1~5 公分,果皮薄具光泽,黄熟,外被黄色鳞片,种子一粒,柱头宿存,味酸
burning himself out of house and home, and doubtless would quite have done so, but that a man, camped in the scrub behind his house, saw the flames in time and sounded the alarm. Even then the miserable owner had to be carried out by the overseer and one of his own daughters, singing “Lannigan’s Wake” at the top of his voice, and hitting out wildly at everyone who came near him. The fire had originated in his
office, wher he had been drinking alone. Strange though it may appear, this near thing did not induce him to mend his ways; on the contrary, he became worse than ever, until the whole district made up its mind that the end must shortly come. And come it surely did. His eldest daughter, Kate, a wild, brazen hussy of five and twenty, who spent the best part of her time flirting with the men about the place and quarrelling with her
mother and sisters, took it into her head to run away from home with the ne’er-do-well son of the township’s chief publican. O’Donoghue perceiving a chance of a row, and bent upon making a fool of himself, immediately he discovered it, rode off to interview the youth’s father, taking enough liquor with him to make sure that he should be in proper fighting trim by the time he arrived there. The owner of the hotel (save the
mark!) had been similarly occupying himself, and a battle royal ensued. The greater part of the population turned out to witness it, and the story of the encounter is told to this day. Fortunately, but small damage was done, mainly by reason of the fact that neither man was in a condition to control his own movements, much less to direct them against his adversary. Eventually they were separated by their respective friends, induced to
allow bygones to be bygones, and three hours later parted company so affectionately that some people found it difficult to believe that they had ever quarrelled. The result was inevitable. Mrs. O’Donoghue, never too amiable, upbraided her husband in no measured terms for his behaviour, attributed her daughter’s flight to his disgraceful conduct as a parent, commented on the fact that they were ruined, that the bank had called up
the mortgage on the property, and then left him to reflect upon the situation. He did so, with the assistance of that devil’s agent, the demi-John, and to such good purpose that by midnight he was ripe for anything.
Accustomed though he was to heavy drinking, he had reached the limit at last. He took a gun from a corner and loaded it with ostentatious care, muttering to himself as he did so. It was an ancient muzzle-loader, and
perhaps for the reason that he had not used it for some considerable time, he made the mistake of giving
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